Frequently asked questions regarding transfer of servicing

What to expect when your loan is transferred from Gregory.

Why was my mortgage transferred from Gregory?

The owner of the rights to your mortgage has retained another company to service the loan.

Will my loan terms change?

No, the terms of your mortgage are unchanged. Aside from being assigned a new loan number, nothing about your mortgage will change as a result of the transfer of servicing. However, the activity related to the servicing of your loan, such as payments and inquiries will change as outlined below.

When will I receive a communication from my new loan servicer?

Shortly after the effective date of transfer, your new loan servicer will send you written communication concerning the transfer of your loan and, among other things, how to start making payments to the new servicer.

When do I start making payments to my new mortgage servicer?

Gregory Funding has mailed you a Notice of Transfer of Servicing which sets forth the effective date of transfer, which is also the date when Gregory will stop, and your new servicer will start, accepting payments.

Where do I make my payments after my loan is transferred?

Both the Notice of Transfer of Servicing and the welcome letter from your new servicer will provide the address to which you can mail your payments as well as related information regarding other methods of payment.

When will I loose access to my customer portal?

You will lose access to your online customer portal, including the documents located on your portal, on 08/01/24. Please download any files you wish to retain before this deadline.